Mrs. Amrit A. rao (Principal)

K.K.Wagh Universal School, DGP Nagar 1, Nashik – 06 On behalf of K.K.Wagh Universal School, I hereby extend a warm welcome to my founder parents and new ones. Our heartfelt gratitude to all the new parents for choosing to entrust their ward to us. The aim of this almanac is to acquaint our child with curricular, co- curricular and extra-curricular activities. We provide right environment for child's growth because for us “The Child comes first”. Our teachers are awakeners who continuously assess our students for better performance.

We provide our students with well stocked library for creating interest in reading because we believe,” The more you read the more things you will know.” Visual always leave a strong impact on our mind so we prefer e-learning through tab. Our vision of education is always beyond the classroom. We also believe in holistic development so we provide our students with the best Tab room, Music and Dance room, Art and Craft room and Sport room.

Our main objective is to improve performance of each and every student for that we provide remedial teaching to our students. Hence our no child would be left behind. My sincere request to you all dear parents, 'check the diary regularly which will help you to monitor performance of your ward'. “We keep on moving forward opening new doors and doing new things because curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

As it is quoted below by Nelson Mandela, we believe and do the same. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” I feel proud and it is a great privilege to shoulder the responsibility of raising the next generation through K.K.Wagh Universal School.

Meet Our Teachers

# Photo Name Department Designation Qualification E-mail
1 Monali Jainendra singh Thakur Primary In Charge B.Sc, B.Ed. [email protected]
2 Ms. Nagarkar Swati Dhanjay Primary Asst. Teacher B.A., B.P.Ed [email protected]
3 Ms. Agnihotri Vrushali Shrikrishna Primary Asst. Teacher B.Sc. B.Ed [email protected]
4 Ms. Badhe Nilimapanditrao Primary Asst. Teacher B.A, B.Ed [email protected]
5 Mrs. Mirase Archana Narayan Primary Asst. Teacher B.A, B.Ed [email protected]
6 Mrs. Bidgar Sharda Dattatray Primary Asst. Teacher M.A (Marathi), B.Ed [email protected]
7 Mrs. Dange Vaishali Vikas Primary Asst. Teacher M.A. Music [email protected]
8 Mrs. Shinde Smita Subhash Primary Asst. Teacher B.A., B.Ed [email protected]
9 Mrs. Nimbalkar Yogita Sambhaji Primary Asst. Teacher H.S.C., ATD, AM [email protected]
10 Mr. Musale Sharad Nivrutti Primary Asst. Teacher M.A., B.Ed [email protected]
11 Mrs. Chavande Kirti Bansilal Primary Asst. Teacher M.A B.Ed M-Phil [email protected]
12 Mrs. Shaikh Anjum Ahmed Primary Asst. Teacher M.A., B.Ed [email protected]
13 Mrs. Kirange Madhuri Madhukar Primary Asst. Teacher B.Sc., B.Ed [email protected]
14 Ms. Nikam Komal Manohar Primary Administrative Officer B.E, MBA [email protected]
15 Ms. Mirza Sadaf Sajid Primary Asst. Teacher B.A. B. P.Ed [email protected]
16 Mrs. Stella Rani Primary Asst. Teacher M.A. B.Ed [email protected]
17 Mrs. Monali Pravin Kedar Primary Asst. Teacher M.Sc. M.Phil [email protected]
18 Mrs. Pallavi Manish Dixit Primary Asst. Teacher M.A., B.Ed [email protected]
19 Ms. Avanti Anil Wadekar Primary Asst. Teacher M.A. B.Ed [email protected]
20 Mr. Asim Moinuddin Peerzada Primary Asst. Teacher B.A. B.Ed. [email protected]
21 Ms. Poonam Bhagwat Shermale Primary Music (PRT) Western Diploma [email protected]
22 Ms. DeepshikhaVijaysen Singh Primary Asst. Teacher B.Sc. B.Ed. [email protected]
23 Ms. Shubhangi Sagar Kahane Primary Asst. Teacher M.Sc. B.Ed. [email protected]
24 Ms.Bhatt Vishala Shreekrishnaa Pre-Primary Asst. Teacher M.Com M.A. Mont TTC [email protected]
25 Mrs. Jadhav Manisha Ramesh Pre-Primary Asst. Teacher Mont.Fy BSC ,ATD [email protected]
26 Mr. Chavare Mayur Ganesh Office Clerk (Accountant) - [email protected]
27 Mr. Pawar Ganesh Barku Office Clerk-Cum-Typist - [email protected]
28 Mr. Sagar Anil Murkute Office Clerk-Cum-Typist - [email protected]
29 Mr. Shahane Niranjan Balkrishna Office Clerk-Cum-Typist - [email protected]
30 Mrs. Desale Suverna Prakash Office Librarian M.A. M.Lib. [email protected]
31 Ms. Jayshree Ashish Pathak Office Clerk-Cum-Typist - [email protected]
32 Mr. Khaire Anil Jagnnath Office Peon - [email protected]
33 Mrs. Bhole Jayashree Sunil Office Peon - [email protected]
34 Mr. Sunil Nivrutti Gotarne Office Peon - [email protected]
35 Mrs. Khurdal Madhuri Kedu Office Peon - [email protected]
36 Mrs. Sonawane Pratibha Pitambar Office Peon - [email protected]
37 Mrs. Tupe Saraswati Chandrakant Office Peon - [email protected]
38 Ms. Yeshi Priyanka Dnyaneshwar Office Peon - [email protected]
39 Mrs. Pabalkar Namrata Tushar Office Peon - [email protected]
40 Ms. Dixit Riya Sahebrao Office Peon - [email protected]
41 Ms. Suryawanshi Vaishali Pritam Primary Asst. Teacher M.Ed. , M.Sc. [email protected]
42 Ms. Seema GajananaIkar Office Peon - [email protected]
43 Ms. Khan Bazla Akhlaque Ahmed Primary Asst. Teacher M.Sc. B.Ed. [email protected]
44 Kishori Uttam Ahire Office Peon - [email protected]
45 Ms. Gotarne Kalyani Dasharath Primary Asst. Teacher M.Sc. B.Ed. [email protected]
46 Sonali Ravindra Gaikwad Office Peon - [email protected]
47 Mr. Yogesh Bhimaji Pabale Office Peon - [email protected]
48 Ms. Ahire Dipali Vilas Primary Asst. Teacher M.A., B.Ed. [email protected]
49 Mr. Gavit Prakash Yashwant Office Gardner - [email protected]
50 Ms. Joshi Neha Vipin Primary Asst. Teacher M.A., B.Ed. [email protected]
51 Mrs. Aher Varsha Ramdas Office Wet-Sweeper - [email protected]
52 Ms. Sayyed Noorsaba Shoeb Primary Asst. Teacher M.Sc. B.Ed. [email protected]
53 Mrs. Chavhan Rohit Balkrushna Office Wet-Sweeper - [email protected]
54 Mr. Gaikwad Bhausaheb Baburao Security Watchman - [email protected]
55 Ms. Desai Disha Datta Primary Counsellor M.A.(Psy) [email protected]
56 Mr. Rajguru Dhananjay Kamlakar Security Watchman - [email protected]
57 Mr. Mangesh Dattatray Pardhe Security Watchman - [email protected]
58 Mr.Ganpat Dattu Gite Security-Supervisor Security Supervisor - [email protected]


Contact Details

  • K. K. Wagh Universal School

    Survey no. 21/2, Wadala Shivar,
    DGP Nagar-1,


    [email protected]